How to tie a White Zonker Streamer Fly

The Zonker Fly has been around for a long time. This deadly Streamer Pattern has caught many fish over the years and I can imagine it will remain a top fly for the rest of time. Casting a white streamer is like casting a "Tracer Fly", you can watch the fish chase it down and wolf it. This White Zonker is tied with lead wire to make it heavier, but I have tied this fly many ways with great success.

Watch how to tie this fly:

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Materials List:

Zonker flies always get bites and it makes sense to use a strong streamer hook that can take the action. For this fly used a size #2 long shank streamer hook with a straight eye.

Click here to buy strong Streamer Hooks

I used Lead Wire to add weight to this fly.

Be sure to use strong fly tying thread for this streamer pattern.

The belly of this fly is tied with mylar tubing.  I have experimented with many sizes and colors and all of them get the bite.

The tail and body of this Streamer Pattern are tied with a single strip of white rabbit.

Finally, the Collar of this White Zonker is tied with a webby white hackle.  I suggest using Schlappen.
Click here to buy White Schlappen Hackles

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Step By Step: How to tie a White Zonker Streamer Fly 

Start a streamer hook with lead wire.
Use strong thread.
Surround the hook with mylar tubing and tie it off.  Leave a little material off of the back of the hook to add flash to the fly.
Add a strip of white rabbit fur. tie in the middle of the strip.  After you tie off the rabbit,whip finish at this point and cut the thread.
Restart the thread at the eye of the hook.  This will tie off the mylar tubing, be sure to trim it closely.
Finally, add a number of turns of webby white hackle for the collar of the fly.  Next pull the rabbit strip forward over the hackle and tie it off at the eye. Complete this fly with a few tight whip finishes.

White Zonker Fly

Fly fishing with streamers is one of the most fun things you can do. You will have trouble finding better fishing than on the Roaring Fork River and Colorado River.  Consider booking a guided fishing trip on your vacation to the Colorado Rockies, you will be impressed.  Go to

How to tie a
White Zonker Streamer Fly

1 comment:

  1. Looking for a patterns to catch stripers. What bat fish parents should I be tying live in Virginia
    close to Smith mountain lake. Any suggestions, comments , videos , will be deeply
    Thank you & good fishing
